First Floor, Krishna Avenue, Above Dominos, Opposite DMART, Baner, Pune - 411045

Orthopedic Treatment For All Your Joints And Bones Problems

Orthopedic Treatment For All Your Joints And Bones Problems

As per the current statistics, the orthopedic and sports markets are expected to grow in the years 2022 to 2027, and more than 900,000 patients perform knee replacement surgery in the U.S. every year. These statistics are not to make sound creepy - this is a sign that if there is a problem then there we have the solution of the best orthopedic clinic in Pune

An orthopedic surgeon is not only concerned with bone fractures and injuries but also with helping patients maintain bone health and strength for the rest of their lives. A healthy diet, proper sleep, and exercise enable the circulation of blood flow in the body and improve posture. Along with this, if you are someone who has problems related to bones and needs to know more about the treatment, bone problems, and their symptoms. Today we are covering the whole topic here to get proper awareness. 

Here are the following bones problem that you should not ignore

  • Osteoporosis - 

Osteoporosis is a kind of bone problem that affects humans in multiple ways. The main reason for this problem is the loss of density, and the body loses too much tissue from the bones. This is a common problem in the hip, spine, and wrist nowadays, and generally occurs in women more than in men. As age increases, so do the chances of falling into this trouble. 

Symptoms - 

  • Loss of height 
  • Back pain
  • Stooped posture 
  • Breakage bones 
  • Paget’s disease -

This is a notorious problem, and the reason we are saying this is that it interferes with the recycling process of bones. For this reason, replacing the old bone tissues with new ones becomes impossible. The most affected bones in this disease are - the pelvis, skull, spine, and legs. As per the      - the mainstay of Paget’s disease is the lack of bisphosphonates. 

The symptoms of Paget’s disease are unknown, but if you are getting pain in the following bones, then you need to consult a doctor. 

  • Pelvis 
  • Spine 
  • Skull 
  • Leg 

You need to go to a doctor if you are experiencing pain in the bones, tingling and weakness, bone deformities, and hearing loss.

  • Bone infection - 

The bone infection is also known as osteomyelitis. This problem occurs due to the bacteria and fungi affecting the bones. These bacteria and fungi develop when the wound is left open or enters the body for other reasons. This disease makes the bones hollow, and one day they break down. 

Symptoms - 

  • Fever and chills 
  • Redness, irritation
  • Stiffness 
  • Swelling 

Risk for the people who have - 

  • Diabetes 
  • Hemodialysis 
  • Peripheral arterial disease ( PAD) 
  • Smoking addiction 
  • Osteonecrosis - 

Osteonecrosis is a problem that occurs when the bone doesn’t get a proper supply of blood flow like other parts of the body. People over the age of 30 or 40 are more likely to be affected by this problem. Injuries to any bone that doesn’t allow blood flow are more prone to this disease, as are people with excessive use of alcohol and tobacco. As per the orthopedic surgeon in Pune, there is no specific treatment for this disease, but early diagnosis is helpful to cure this problem.  

Following symptoms that you should not ignore in the body - 

  • Pain in the bone like in the femur
  • Stiffness 
  • Lose its range of motion

Best place to go for treatment of your joints and bones 

After searching on Google for orthopedic physiotherapy near me,” - you may get multiple options for orthopedic surgeons. But here we have the best surgeon to cure all the bones related problems - Dr. Sumit. He is an expert at treating all the bones connected issues and giving proper suggestions to deal with them in the future if you haven’t experienced them yet. The good news for the locals of Pune is that Dr. Sumit has developed an orthopedic clinic in Pune so they don’t need to move randomly here and there for the bones-related issue. 

Wrapping Up - 

Dr. Sumit is an expert orthopedic and physiotherapist in Pune, and he has the best team to eliminate the ailments and get you back to where you were earlier. Well, if you are looking for someone like him, then connect with us today.