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When to Seek Treatment for a Sprained Ankle: Advice from an Orthopedic Specialist

When to Seek Treatment for a Sprained Ankle: Advice from an Orthopedic Specialist


A sprained ankle is a familiar story that occurs to sportspeople and almost every person at one point in time. This situation may happen accidentally, by intention, or suddenly, but if the pain persists longer, then it may cause permanent damage to bones. But when should I seek treatment for a sprained ankle? Well, if this question has bothered you, then the expert orthopaedic doctor from the orthopaedic clinic, Dr. Sumitz, is sharing the best tips and suggestions on this matter.

Common Causes of Sprained Ankles 

Some of the most familiar causes of a sprained ankle are listed below: 

  • While twisting or rolling the knees 

  • Tripping or falling 

  • Walking or running on uneven surfaces

  • Inappropriate footwear 

  • Falling from wearing heels 

  • Weak muscles, fatigue, or ligament 

  • Sports injuries 

  • Inadequate warm-ups before exercise 

  • Jumping and not landing properly 

  • The sensation of numbness or a sudden landing on land can be experienced.

There can be numerous reasons for a sprained ankle, but when it happens, it causes the patient to not walk or move properly. Fortunately, an orthopaedic doctor can treat this with the help of proper rehabilitation techniques.

Types of Sprained Ankles 

The sprained ankle is classified into two types: by location and by the severity of the ligament. Here is what we have mentioned below that you need to know: 

Based on the ligament's severity 

  • Grade 1 Sprain (mild) 

  • Grade 2 Sprain (moderate) 

  • Grade 3 Sprain (severe) 

According to the sprain's location 

  • Inversion sprain

(This occurs when the foot rolls inward.) 

  • Eversion sprain

(This occurs when the foot rolls outward) 

  • High ankle sprain

(This is also known as a syndesmosis sprain and once it happens, it means the ankle gets broken.) 

How do I know if my sprained ankle is serious? 

These are the following signs that indicate that the sprained ankle is serious: 

  • Swelling or bruising 

  • Difficulty in bearing weight 

  • Joint instability 

  • Deformity, including dislocation or fracture 

  • Limited range of motion 

  • Numbness and tingling 

If you are facing these issues, you must take immediate action. To get relief from pain, find the best orthopedic doctor and get the best possible sprained ankle treatment.  

What is the difference between a sprained ankle and a twisted ankle? 

The sprained ankle and the twisted ankle—both are used in place of one another but they depict different meanings. Let’s understand what it means: 

Sprained ankle 

When the ligament gets injured or when the ankle is twisted or turned beyond its limited range of motion, it causes a sprain in the ankle. 

Twisted ankle 

When the ankle is forcefully twisted unnaturally, it causes twisting of the ankle. Like sudden sprains, strains, and fractures. 

At what point should we go to the doctor for a sprained ankle? 

During a sprained ankle, immediate action is required to avoid severe issues like broken bones, and here are the symptoms. You should not be late and connect with the orthopaedic doctor. 

  • Persistent pain

  • Inability to carry weight 

  • Numbness and tingling

  • Swelling or bruising 

  • Restricted to move 

  • Joint deformity 

Should I go to A&E or an orthopaedic doctor for a sprained ankle? 

The answer to this depends on your situation and your convenience—either you go to Accident and Emergency Services or the orthopaedic doctor for a sprained ankle. In a severe situation, choose what you find most convenient and accessible to reach. However, it's advisable to act promptly and implement preventive measures before encountering a severe condition.

Once you find out about the sprained ankle, visit your orthopaedic doctor at the best orthopaedic clinic and get it treated. The orthopaedic doctor will diagnose the situation and help you recover from the pain and discomfort. Through manual therapy, RICE technique, pain management, and physical tests, you can bring back your lifestyle. With the help of physiotherapy techniques, you can recover ankle mobility and proper functioning. 

On the other hand, if you are a sportsperson, then stay in touch with orthopaedics so that you don’t need to miss the field for longer. 


A sprained ankle is a painful situation and it disturbs the physical and mental health of an individual. There are several types of ankle pain: mild, moderate, and severe. Before taking the necessary action, it is crucial to keep yourself aware of the level of the pain. Once you are well diagnosed,  consult with your orthopaedic doctor from a recognised orthopaedic clinic to reverse the pain situation.