First Floor, Krishna Avenue, Above Dominos, Opposite DMART, Baner, Pune - 411045

Knee Replacement Surgery: A Journey from Chronic Knee Pain To A New Normal

Knee Replacement Surgery: A Journey from Chronic Knee Pain To A New Normal

Most of the things we humans often take for granted and one of them is the motions of the body. If you are walking and running and can perform your daily activities without any discomfort, then you should be grateful.

Lifestyle, irregular diet, and knee-related issues like osteoarthritis eat the bone like termites and eradicate all its potential. This leads to soreness in motion, whether it’s playing, walking, or running. Persistent pain in the bone and joint also leads to fractures, and that is why you should not take it for granted.

Expert orthopedic doctors suggest the best alternative for chronic pain in joints, and that is knee replacement surgery. In this procedure, an orthopedic doctor replaces the problem-causing knee with a prosthetic one and positions it in the same place as the original one. This is a 2-3-hour procedure that is performed under the supervision of the medical team and an expert orthopedic surgeon. With this procedure, you can again walk and move without any kind of chronic pain or stiffness in your joints.

Today we are going in-depth about knee replacement surgery, its procedures, types, cost, recovery process, and the best orthopedic clinic where you can get it done. Keep reading!

What is knee replacement surgery?

A medical procedure known as knee replacement or knee surfacing involves replacing the damaged knee with an artificial knee. This whole procedure is known as knee arthroplasty. The joint can be affected for multiple reasons, and the main reason for joint replacement surgery is osteoarthritis. Also, if a patient finds stiffness, chronic pain in sitting, walking, or improper mobility of the joint, the doctor recommends having knee replacement surgery.

The word “knee replacement surgery” comes with the nightmare of the patient, and the patient comes across horrific thoughts about the pain and the lifetime bed. So here we are sharing the answer to this question: Is knee replacement surgery a severe operation? Well, everything has two sides, and knee replacement surgery is the same. The knee replacement is not a complicated surgery, and if done with proper care and the supervision of an expert doctor, it will bring a smooth transition into the patient's life.

Breakdown Myths about Knee Replacement Surgery: Just Facts

  • The best age group for knee replacement surgery is 50–70 years old.
  • With the help of physiotherapy, bending and sitting have become easier even after the knee replacement surgery.
  • In case any kind of failure in surgery happens, there is a provision for revised surgery for better results.
  • Knee replacement surgery lasts for a lifetime.
  • After fully recovering from this treatment, the patient can perform daily activities with ease.

Procedures for knee replacement surgery

Before proceeding with the knee replacement surgery, make sure to discuss with a reliable orthopedic doctor in pune the relevance of this treatment in their life. When it comes to the procedure, knee replacement surgery generally occurs in the following ways:

  • Consultation

Before this surgery, the orthopedic doctor sits with the patient to get detailed information, like past history and health condition; further testing is ongoing. This will assist in examining the health risks and success rate possibilities of the surgery.

  • Physical examination

In order to check the body of a patient and the condition of the knee before surgery, the doctor needs to take further physical examinations. The more effective the examination, the better he can identify the knee. This physical examination can be done through X-rays, MRIs, and other screening tests.

  • Treatment

Now the next step is to make yourself ready for the final shot of treatment that begins with a replacement. The affected joint part in this case takes the place of a metal component. Then the doctor placed the metal-grade insert spacer to make the knee’s surface smooth.

How long does it take to recover from knee replacement surgery?

Knee replacement surgery is the best alternative for chronic knee pain, but after getting major treatment, your body takes time to adjust to a new tenant in their home. For a patient, this is also the time to have patience and be calm to gain effective results. As per the expert orthopedic doctor, the maximum time it takes to recover from knee replacement surgery is around 4-6 months. The survey reveals that the success rate is 95% for knee replacement surgery, and that is why about 90% of knee replacement surgery has been performed in the last 10 years.

During this period, there are several instant healing and rehabilitation processes being followed to make the patient comfortable with metal elements. Physiotherapy is the best option for rehabilitation and recovery from the surgery. This process improves the mobility and functioning of the joint. However, if an established and reputable orthopedic clinic performs the surgery, then they will assist with sophisticated and extensive recovery plans that achieve the goal of comfort following the surgery.

Quicken your recovery time and resume your regular activities

Also, we are sharing here some tips for the fast recovery of a patient who is undergoing knee replacement surgery.

  • Always follow the advice of your orthopedic surgeon. Never start anything without taking his advice.

  • Physical therapy is the best alternative for faster recovery, and that is why you should not skip any sessions. For physical therapy-related services, you can connect with us.

  • The doctor and team's recommended pain management techniques are the best to use for efficient healing after knee replacement surgery.

  • Take complete rest, avoid any kind of lifting, and keep a pause on a regular activity for some time.

  • Stay hydrated, take a balanced diet, quit smoking or drinking, and practice mindfulness to keep yourself in a calm state.

  • Stay in touch with the orthopedic surgeon and make them aware of your present situation in case you are experiencing any pain or discomfort.

Cost of Knee Replacement Surgery

There are many discussions about the cost of knee replacement surgery, but the actual fact is that the price depends on various factors, and here are those:

  • Types of knee replacement: partial and total

  • Types of hospitals and their facilities

  • Experience of a doctor

  • Location 

  • Charges for almost comprehensive treatments like physical therapy, medication, and anesthesia.

 However, in the current market, the cost of knee replacement surgery is about 1.3 lakh to 1.8 lakh, including pre-and post-treatment procedures.

Highlights of the complications associated with knee replacement surgery

Knee replacement surgery is a prosthetic surgery that needs to be performed to relieve the pain in the knee. However, the procedure is quite complicated, and metal implantation in the place of the knee brings various distress to the patient. A patient who undergoes this treatment faces the following complications:

  • Infection 

  • Blood clot

  • Implant problems 

  • Internal injury 

  • Delay in recovery

  • Excessive pain 

  • Limited motion 

Proper monitoring and regular dressing of the wound are crucial to preventing major complications.

Final Thoughts!

Every problem comes with a solution, and here, the chronic knee pain that is still bothering you also has a solution, which is knee replacement surgery. This treatment will bring new life to you and can kickstart a new and healthy journey effortlessly. So if you are ready to get started, then begin with any reliable orthopedic clinic, that has a team of orthopedic experts working with no stone left unturned. Cost-effective, reliable, and the best orthopedic clinic in Pune to make a smooth transition from chronic knee pain to a new normal. If you or any loved one of yours is suffering from this kind of pain, then this is the time to offer them the gift of a healthy life. 

Note - This is just an educational guide and we don’t provide Knee Replacement Surgery services. But you can book consultation services for further suggestions.