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Your bones connect to your joints through your joints. The bones of your skeleton can move with the joints. There are several types of joints:
Joint pain can refer to pain, aches, and discomfort in any one of the body’s joints. Joint pain is a common problem. It does not usually require a hospital stay.
Sometimes, joint discomfort is due to an injury or illness. Arthritis is another common cause of joint pain. It could also be caused or exacerbated by other conditions.
What causes pain in the joints?
Arthritis: -
It is the leading cause of joint pain. Osteoarthritis (OA), and rheumatoid (RA) are the main types of arthritis. According to research OA is most common among adults over 40 years old. It is slow-growing and can affect common joints such as the: Hands, Hips & Knees etc. OA causes joint pain by causing a loss of cartilage, which acts as a shock absorber and cushion for the joints. RA is the second type of arthritis. The Arthritis Foundation estimates that RA affects approximately 1.5 million Americans. It is more common in women than it is in men.
Over time, it can cause deformities and disability to the joints, as the body’s immune system attacks and damages the membranes that line the joints, RA can cause pain, inflammation, fluid buildup, and joint damage.
Other causes: -
You can cause joint pain by: Bursitis is an inflammation of the cushions around joints that is lupus & gout. Certain infectious diseases such as hepatitis, influenza and measles can be transmitted. Chondromalacia (or degeneration of the cartilage in your kneecap) is known as chondromalacia.
If we talk about overuse of a joint pain that is Cancer, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, sarcoidosis & rickets.
What are the symptoms and causes of joint pains?
You may need to see a doctor for your joint pain in some cases, if you have any questions about your pain or if you experience other symptoms that are not related to it, make an appointment. Also, you should see a doctor if the following are happening with you:
The area around the joints is swollen and red. The pain continues for at least 3 days. There are no symptoms other than a fever. If any of the above occurs, you should go to the emergency rooms. You have suffered a serious accident. The joint appears to have deformed. It is sudden to experience swelling in the joint. The joint is completely immobile. You are experiencing severe joint pain then firstly make an appointment at Dr. Sumitz clinic.
Joint Pain diagnoses sand treatment
The doctor will most likely perform a physical examination. The doctor may also ask questions about your symptoms and joint pain. This could help you narrow down potential causes. For the diagnosis of arthritis-related joint pain, it may be necessary for a joint X-ray to be taken. If the doctor suspects that there may be another cause, they may order blood tests to test for certain autoimmune disorders. To determine the level of inflammation, they may request a sedimentation rate or complete blood count.
Joint Pain Management
Home treatment: Both OA & RA are considered chronic conditions by doctors. There is no cure for arthritis. However, there are some ways to manage the pain. It might be beneficial to use topical painkillers or to take nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce inflammation, swelling and pain. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and engage in moderate exercise. Stretch before exercising in order to keep your joints healthy. Maintain a healthy body weight. This will lower stress on the joints. If you are not experiencing pain due to arthritis, it is possible to try taking a nonprescription, anti-inflammatory drug, getting massaged, taking a warm tub, stretching regularly, and getting enough sleep.
Medical treatment: Your treatment options depend on the reason for the pain. In certain cases, your doctor may have to draw fluid from the joint in order to determine, if there is a problem. You might be recommended to have the joint replaced. Lifestyle changes and medication can also help RA go into remission. Your doctor will first address inflammation. Once RA has gone into remission your doctor will prescribe medical treatment that focuses on controlling your condition to prevent flareups.
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