In case of acute pain, restricting you to carrying out a routine expected movement, we focus on "Fast Pain relief".
To achieve faster pain relief, we give passive relaxing stretches, joint and soft tissue mobilizations, conventional drugless electrotherapy, dry needling, kinesiology taping, etc depending on the need of the condition.
For INSTANT pain relief, in case of very acute painful conditions, restricting you from an important meeting, event, or game, we can help you with joint and soft tissue mobilizations with the support of kinesiology taping for the desired results. (Please understand acute conditions can be due to underlying chronic conditions and may require a complete solution to fix the root cause.)
We understand that concept of fitness is different for different individuals. For white-collar workers, it's "pain-free office life" and for sports enthusiasts, it is " high endurance" in performance. We can help you at any level of physical rehabilitation, from "pain relief to performance enhancement."
Once you are out of the acute painful zone, we move you to a complete tailor-made rehabilitative exercises program. After you have mastered the exercises, we provide a " Home Exercise Program" ( H.E.P) in video or printed version according to your convenience.
We ensure that you keep timely follow-ups to check if the exercises are performed correctly and to improvise at the right times.
If you are an athlete or sports enthusiast who wishes to continue and progress on your fitness journey, we help you with sports rehabilitation experts, who can guide you with getting back with sports and improving performance.
To avoid any recurrence of symptoms, we provide the best Ergonomic solutions to " YOU". We evaluate your workstation by reviewing the photos you provide us and suggest changes if any.
Treating the root cause is our motto, and we go with furniture, pillows, mattresses, and shoes to avoid any possible relapses of symptoms.
Physio Therapy Clinic
First Floor, Krishna Avenue Above Dominos, Opposite D MART, Near Sadanand, Hotel Baner Road, Baner Pune 411045
Call us on 088559 50433 Email us at Drgsumit@gmail.com