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What is Arthritis Pain?
In layman's terms, Arthritis is basically a common disorder that affects your joints. The major symptoms of arthritis are joint pain and stiffness. This causes pain and inflammation and reduces the flexibility of joints.
There are many types of arthritis. Each type has different symptoms and needs different sorts of treatment. Earlier it was found in old age people but nowadays it can develop in men, women, and children at any age.
Arthritis disease is commonly found in the following body parts of humans –
How is arthritis treated?
As such, there is no cure for arthritis, but there are treatments that can help to improve the condition as it was earlier. A treatment plan will depend on how severe arthritis is, its symptoms, and your body condition. Dr. Ashish Ranade is the best doctor you can consult anytime.
Some common non-surgical treatments include:
- Medication: Anti-inflammatory and pain medications help to relieve arthritis symptoms. Some medications, called biologics, basically target the immune system’s inflammatory response.
- Physical therapy: Rehabilitation can help improve overall strength, range of motion, and overall mobility.
Best exercises for arthritis
These are some exercises that help in treating arthritis and provide relief from stiffness & Pain.
1. Stretching
The first and most common exercise is stretching which helps in improving flexibility and range of motion and also reduces stiffness up to some extent. So we can say that it’s the most common but plays important role in curing it.
The stretching routine may be as follows:
- Should warm up by walking or jogging in place or pumping the arms while sitting or standing for at least 5 minutes.
- Should hold each stretch for 20–30 seconds before releasing it.
- Should repeat each stretch at least 2–3 times. Resistance bands can also help in maintaining good form.
2. Walking
Walking or jogging is a low-impact form of exercise that helps with aerobic conditioning, heart basically cardiovascular health, and joint health.
It is essential to wear proper and good quality shoes and stay hydrated, even if the walking is not so extreme. A person should start a walking routine on flat, even surfaces before progressing to uphill, downhill, or uneven surfaces.
3. Flowing movements, such as tai chi and yoga
Both tai chi and yoga are combinations of deep breathing, flowing movements, gentle poses, and meditation. They increase flexibility, and balance which also results in reducing stress and anxiety.
Now a day’s it’s to find free online videos or apps like Gaia for tai chi or yoga workouts, including some yoga workouts.
5. Water exercises
Water helps our body weight by minimizing gravity, which states that exercises done in water do not have an extreme impact on muscles.
Swimming, water aerobics, and other gentle water exercises increase flexibility, range of motion, strength, and aerobic condition which can result in reducing joint stress and stiffness.
More studies on the benefits of water exercises on RA are needed.
6. Cycling
It is important to keep the heart as healthy as possible. Cycling can help improve cardiovascular health.
Riding a cycle can be a way to get the joints moving and improve cardiovascular fitness. A person can also ride their bike outdoors to get fresh air.
Along with that cycling can reduce stiffness, increase range of motion and leg strength, and build endurance.
7. Strength training
Strengthening the muscles around the affected joints helps in maintaining strength and muscle mass. In that case resistance band is a way to challenge the body and build muscle over time.
8. Hand exercises
Arthritis can sometimes lead to limited use of the hands. A person with RA may lose their grip strength or find that they are dropping things because of lack of gripping strength.
Bending the wrists up and down, slowly curling the fingers, spreading the fingers wide on a table, and squeezing a stress ball can help increase strength and flexibility in the hands.
If you want to read more articles then check out our website, you can also book a session and fix an appointment. We are happy to help you!